
NBAA mobility is supported through Nordplus Higher Education Programme.

Estonian Academy of Arts coordinates NBAA’s Nordplus grant applications and reports.

Students and teachers may turn to request for grants via home institutions’ coordinators who should forward them to if availability of grants has been confirmed.

Application form for student and feedback form for after mobility
Application form for teachers and feedback form for after mobility

Students from NBAA partner universities can apply for three types of student mobility:

* Student exchange in partner university for 1-12 months
* Express mobility: min 5 days
* Student placement in host organisation in Nordic-Baltic region for
1 week – 12 months

Rates (as of November 2022):
Express mobility grants: 250 EUR 1st week, 100 EUR 2nd week, 100 EUR 3rd week + travel grant, additional day: 20 EUR
1 month – 12 month mobility grants: 250 EUR month, additional week 70 EUR, additional day 20 EUR.

Travel grant:
330 EUR, 660 Iceland, 1300 Greenland, 175 domestic travel top-up (only, when related to travelling abroad)

– 5-week student mobility, the maximum rate is 250 € + 63 € = 313 € + travel grant
– 1-week (5–7 days) express mobility, the maximum rate is 250 € + travel grant


For teachers employed by NBAA institutions independent of nationality exchange mobility grants are available on the following conditions:
• length of exchange: minimum 8 hours of teaching/working

 (as of November 2022):
Travel grant:
330 EUR, 660 Iceland, 1300 Greenland, 175 domestic travel top-up (only, when related to travelling abroad)
Daily rate – 100 EUR
Weekly rate – 500 EUR
Monthly rate – 1350 EUR

Examples of calculating the grant:
– 8-day teacher mobility, the maximum rate is 500 € + 100 € = 600 € + travel grant
– 1-day teacher mobility, the maximum rate is 100 € + travel grant
– 5 (working)day teacher mobility, the maximum rate is 500 € + travel grant

The allocation of Nordplus mobility grants in 2024 is 62 000 EUR.